thee loved hate when thou hated love


leon Wai

Kenneth Khing

Kevin Ng

Sebby Koh

lucas Thng

Paul Tan

Amos Wong


Wen Loong

Paul Crossby Ong

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Friday, April 22, 2005
AC cross country,
May the spirit never die.
Such passion that burns deep within the heart of every runner, strength fueled by our benevolent and compassionate god. This is a team i will be proud to say that i had once been a member of. No, as our 2004 captain put it--a comrad in arms.
Keep running, run to run faster and never stop. When the going gets tough, suffer with the team as that bond keeps you united and unfaltering.
But most importantly, don't ever forget why you run least you lose your sanity training your asses off. Despite the torturous feeling you get after going through constant 3:18s and 400m laps, it will never be something you will regret, running gives you more than a hell of an experience and a trophy, sometimes no trophy. It teaches you lessons you will never forget for the rest fo your life.

elliot | 5:58 AM

Friday, April 09, 2004
Remember all the times we've spent together.
Happy or sad.
Keep these beautiful memories dear to your heart.
And we shall run.
-Leon Wai
acX Team Captain 2004

elliot | 2:30 AM

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